Saturday, December 27, 2008

Year End Wrap Up

And my last post with this blog.

My top 10, in some particular order.

1. Paint it Black - New Lexicon
2. Able Baker Fox - Voices
3. Blacklisted - Heavier Than Heaven, Lonelier Than God
4. Lemuria - Get Better
5. Frank Turner - Love, Ire and Song
6. Dustheads - Little Pieces (re-recording)
7. Dillinger Four - Civil War
8. Off With Their Heads - From the Bottom
9. Have Heart - Songs to Scream at the Sun
10. Sigur Ros - Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust

Honorable mention:
Bridge and Tunnel - East/West
Chuck Ragan & Austin Lucas - Bristle Ridge
Braindead - No Consequences
Memorial - The Creative Process/Berlin

1. Title Fight - Kingston
2. Gaslight Anthem - Senor and the Queen
3. Crumbler - Dirty Weeks
4. The Steinways - Unoriginal Recipe
5. Dead to Me - Little brother