Saturday, May 3, 2008

Interview - Braindead

Braindead is a hardcore band from Philly that should be way bigger than they are. Unfortunately, things never really seem to work out for them. They've had lineup changes and problems with the rhythm section almost steadily in the last few years. Still, their demo 7" on Braindrain, and their split with Blackbirds were both great. Their debut full length will be out this summer, and it's great. It seems that they've finally found the sound they were going towards, and in doing so have recorded a really strong first full length. It'll be out soon, and I'll have a review up in the next few weeks. Below is an interview with Steve (vocals) and Eric (guitar), two of the original members of Braindead, and great dudes.

1. Ok, you have friends in from out of town. What five places in Philly do you take them?
Steve: Well, if it was up to Eric, they would end up at his house playing Halo and nothing else.
As for me: 1- I guess a classic cheese steak. I mean, why not, and for the vegans there are other places we could go. 2- Since I'm a big art nerd and I like free shit, I would take someone to the art museum. If you got a student ID. I just think it's a sweet place to go. 3- Monday night Dudes Night at the Khyber. 4- Pretzel factory. 5- Art making Machine Studios. It's rad place cool gallery, and awesome studio spaces. Movie Nights every Wednesday night.
Eric: If I had any friends from out of town, they'd probably stay with Stevie because I'm from Jersey and I never leave my house unless it's to play Halo at Chris'.

2. Favorite venue in Philadelphia to play? Favorite to see a show?
Steve: Church is fun to play, and as far as favorites to see a show, I'd say Disgraceland and the Church, no doubt.
Eric: Hands down, the First Unitarian Church. Just something about that place, no matter who it is or how many kids, it's always full of energy.

3. Favorite all-time show(s) you've seen in Philly?
Steve: Recently, I would say Formaldehyde Junkies at Disgraceland.
Eric: Converge in Funrama's basement, American Nightmare and Count Me out at the Killtime, Saves and Day and NFG at the Church. The list could go on and on.

4. Top current Philadelphia area bands?
Steve: Lighten Up, Let Down, Paint it Black, BlackListed, UNIVOX
Eric: Blacklisted, Paint it Black and Let Down without a doubt

5. Top all-time Philadelphia area bands?
Steve: Shit, Knives Out is one of my favs.
Eric: Damage II or anything Mike Drelling got kicked out of - LOLz.

6. What records are you loving right now? (Not just Philly bands)
Steve: Death Spell Omega - Fas-Ite, Maledecti, in ignem, Wolves in the Throne Room - Two Hunters, Superdrag - Regretfully Yours, Quicksand - Manic Compression, Cursed III, Polar Bear Club - Sometimes Things Just Disappear.
Eric: Title Fight - Kingston, Title Fight - Kingston, Title Fight - Kingston

Best food in Philly. Which is your top spot for each?
Steve: Pizza - Key Pizza in Fishtown
Burrito/Mexican - Call me crazy, but I still love the Qdoba Chicken Queso
Cheesesteak (vegan counts) - Pats
Chinese - Vegetarian Kingdom, and Master Wok on Temple's Campus
Other- Burgers at Standard Tap.
Eric: Pizza? Whatever you're buyin' me.
Burrito/Mexican? I don't know
Cheesesteak (vegan counts)? Who wants a vegan cheesesteak? No thanks.
Chinese? I'M KOREAN
Other? Wawa. Duh

8. Closing up, what do you guys have planned for the near future? Shows/records/tours/etc?
Steve: New record out in June, tour with Ruiner this summer for 5 weeks and just trying to start playing out as much as possible. Have a bunch of stuff lined up before tour. Also, keeping consistent band members. If anything has slowed us down its the lack of a steady lineup. Me and Eric are the only people in this band that have been with it since its inception.
Eric: Hopefully we can hook up an Xbox so we can play Halo on tour, that is unless we kill each other first. Can't wait for This Is Hardcore 08.

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